Monday, June 30, 2008

not skinny

...and an orchid with flowers.


Here's an orchid, sans flowers.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

skinny asparagus

A pencil drawing a and pen drawings. "Skinny" was a little challenging to find a subject....

a topic-free week

hello drawers
i think there should be a week off from topic-ness, as it has been a slow week and everyone can get a chance to catch-up or free-draw or whatever suits you.
your DCI administrator

Friday, June 27, 2008

skinny eggplants

my first eggplant harvest, post- and pre- purple-izing.
ps non watercolor moleskins suck for watercolor. are they actually water-repellant?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008

week 4

thanks team for rocking out the rocking drawings yet again!

this week's theme: "skinny"

i just got back from a place with no streets and therefore no streetscapes (an island) so i'm hoping to submit a catch-up entry soon, now that i'm back in the city...

St Andrews Place

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Squirrel Happy Hour

My yard is extra squirrelly this afternoon.

Imaginary street scene

It's too hot to sketch the real thing right now. And note to self: no drawing with nib/ink on rough press watercolor paper.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

SF bus sketches

It's harder to sketch people on my new bus route (N train and #22) because people seem to be more awake and alert. But here are a few.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Russian Truck, Russian Grave

travel pumas

I travel most everywhere in these pumas.  I like them so much I bought three pairs.  This is the last pair, and they are on their last legs.  Don't know what I'll do when I need to replace them.

a photo from Sep. 2006

I hope drawing from a picture is allowed..... Aw.... Needs practice.... I got a new Moleskine today and this is my first page. The picture is an abandoned church in ruin at the monastary in Montserrat (close to Barcelona Spain).

Sunday, June 15, 2008

week three

hello drawrers

welcome to week three. there've been a few topics thrown in to the hat, but only a wee few, so please send in more please!

1. this weeks topic: streetscape

2. jeremy and i were talking about posting old drawings + feeling like the emphasis should be on NEW drawings + then the more i thought about it the more i come to this conclusion: Drawing Club is intended to be a virtual reenactment of the actual drawing club, whose purpose it was to get together regularly to DRAW afresh each time + generally get in the habit of drawing. So I'm going to go so far as to say: ***ONLY NEW DRAWINGS***, no matter how rough/quick/experimental. in fact the more rough/quick/experimental the better i say.

3. please feel free to ignore a topic. they are only around to help if you are stuck for ideas.

many thanks!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Joshua Tree, camp site #113 @ Jumbo Rocks

This is from November, '07. I guess I like rocks.

Fairy Fort, Ballyvaughan, Ireland

This one's from when I studied abroad at Burren College of Art. I lived in the yellow farm house pictured here behind the castle, which is the school's art gallery. This is a view from inside one of the fairy forts, made of dry-stacked limestone, that was in my back yard up the hill (it would be behind the person who took the photo). I tried to find it on google earth, but the town looks way more developed than it was back in '96.

on the bus

I tried my hand last night at drawing on the bus, and it is HARD. Aside from the lack of elbow room, bumpiness, or peering eyes, the biggest problem is that NO ONE SITS STILL. My drawing heroes (say, Chris Ware or Anders Nilsen) are SO GOOD at drawing on public transport--clearly it takes a good deal more practice and/or tenacity, or for the drawing subjects to fall asleep in their seats... In any case, I was engrossed enough to completely overshoot my stop + had to walk several miles back from Echo Park to Silver Lake to get home...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

a pair of ears

Assignment #2

OK! time for assignment number 2, although for those yet to post, please please please you may of course still post for last week's assignment, deadlines are mushy, etc. NO ONE has submitted assignment topics to me yet, or at least not directly, so I choose "TRAVEL" as this weeks topic in honor of Alex who I just deposited at LAX en route to Russia then Japan. We hope he will truly fulfill the "international" part of drawing club international these next months.

I am so so so excited about how drawing club is shaping up--thank you EVERYONE for posting and signing up and inviting friends. I hope we keep up at this pace or greater + if anyone has any suggestions for how this blog should take shape, please send them my way. Most of all, send topics, so I can put them in my safety orange hat.

Storm waves

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Friday, June 6, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008